Saturday, February 4, 2017

In the moment


I'm not even sure where to start. So much has happened over the past month, that I'm not sure how to put it into words for this blog. I am still working on my regimen with cannabis oil, but it has turned out to be more challenging than I may have anticipated. The goal for me is to work up to a gram of oil a day, but I have been delayed due to the Department of Health and Environment is delayed on processing applications for red cards (my mmj card). As of this date, I still have not received my red card, so I have not been able to purchase flower from my local dispensary as originally planned to make my own oil. I am hoping that my card comes in the mail this next week so I can start my process of creating my own oil. Currently I am utilizing a high THC strain that is like 60-80% THC (before weed was legal, THC concentrations were 6%, so you can imagine how a tiny bit of my oil will create an overly intense high. I have been supplementing with a high CBD product to help kick the high, but I need to just utilize a high CBD strain to make my own oil. The goal is to consume 60 grams of oil and get as close to 1 gram a day as possible.

Last month, I had the opportunity to participate in my first march for unity and in support of women's rights. It was one for the history books, with over 3 million people participating in marches world wide. We had around 200,000 here in Denver marching together. I am so excited about the opportunity to go down in history as being someone who participated in helping shape the future of out country. There is a saying that I have heard being passed around lately. It states, "Whenever you look back on history and think 'If I was alive then....' well, whatever you are doing now, is what you would have been doing then. I am excited to think I am on the frontline of justice, standing up for those who are unable to stand on their own. Nothing gives me more hope than joining 200,000 peaceful protesters who are walking the streets of our city crying, "We will NOT be silent". The one thing I can say is that it took the election of Donald Trump to bring about unity within our country. 1 in 100 people marched that day across the country.

This morning, I went to the bus stop to head downtown for a protect our muslim neighbors rally. As I was standing on the train platform I encountered a young African American Male who was smiling and watching the people who were headed to the rally. We got to talking and I learned that he was a practicing muslim that had immigrated to the United States over 6 years ago from Africa. He and I talked about the current political climate and right before we were about to board the train, he thanked me for being an ally to him and all muslims who are feeling persecuted in this country. He is currently enrolled in college in the Denver area and I was able to see first hand how immigrants make this country great (after all, this is a country founded by immigrants). I overheard someone say "progress is not a straight line, and that backlash like what we are seeing now comes when progress is swift. There would be no president Trump without President Obama. Well, stay tuned on my progress with the cannabis oil.