Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hello Holiday Season

Well, I feel that another blog post is in order for the month of December. Things are about to be even more crazy as the holiday's approach. The next two weeks are pretty much booked in terms of assisting with Club Volleyball activities, Jeramy's employee Christmas party, Dentist appointments, family gatherings and visits, christmas shopping, and my employee christmas party through UMC. Changes have happened over the past month, no worsening thankfully! The quest to find an effective seizure medication continues. I am down to taking 100 mg of Dilantin a day instead of 100 mg twice daily. I almost made it off, but since I am still having seizures (typically between the hours of 2-4pm). We made the decision to hold off on eliminating until I start my new seizure medication.

Speaking of which, I started my new seizure medication today. It is called Fycompa (sp?) Supposedly the half life of this medication is significantly longer, so it only has to be taken once daily. We are weaning off the Vimpat because it gives me significant side effects that are very unwanted and we would like to be able to tolerate going through the day without feeling like I'm going to fall asleep constantly. With the most recent medication changes, my seizure frequency has decreased to about 1 every few days as opposed to several in one day and happening every other day. We are making some progress.

Yesterday I completed a portion of a 10 week women's yoga series that I had been working on with my yoga instructor. For those of you who are not aware, I have been doing yoga for approximately 9 months and it is amazing the gains I have made. I have been doing one private session a week and then meeting up with a class once a week. Yoga two days a week has been challenging and it always amazes me at how sore I am after participating in a familiar series. I think that goes to show that yoga is constantly changing and challenging your practice and skills and never feels the same. There is no plateau with yoga because every time you practice you change and challenge yourself differently. It is the one exercise regime that I have never felt like gets easier, instead I find that with each practice I am able to challenge myself differently and grow with each salutation, etc.

I leave you with this photograph that was taken on the last day of the women's series yoga class and encourage you all to check out Seed to Sprout Yoga and Wellness and look into joining the next women's series in January. If you haven't worked with Lindsay Kerr, you haven't truly had the opportunity to delve into what the practice means.

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